How important is a green supply chain to you? If two technologies were similar in cost, but one supported a green supply chain and one did not, would you give preference to the technology that supported a green supply chain?
If you do value a green supply chain, why? Aside from the obvious planetary benefits, will it result in benefits, PR-wise, for your company? Can you market your green supply chain?
SupplyChainBrain recently reported that "...IBM released the results of a CEO survey in which 'environmental concerns' ranked seventh among the top external factors expected to impact business operations over the course of the next three years." Whether you feel that going green should be of more or less importance to those at the executive level, you have to admit that it's getting harder and harder for everyone to ignore the argument for going green. As public opinion on green matters continues to impact the decisions of even the shrewdest corporate wheelers and dealers, we can expect to see more supply chain technologies that support a green supply chain making their way into the marketplace.
Most supply chain people aren't marketers. They don't have much to do with marketing departments, and it could require too much to try and make several departments work together to make green technology to real use company-wide. Real question is it worthwhile, cost-wise.