Friday, November 25, 2011

Still Using Spreadsheets to Manage Your Supply Chain?

A recent blog post by Michael Koplov on the Warehouse Management Systems Guide website openly discusses the ugly truth about Excel spreadsheets. They're thorns in supply managers' sides, and largely unnecessary.

According to Koplov, there are a couple of alternatives to using spreadsheets to analyze supply chain data and track logistics operations. The one he focuses on most is using "a centralized network of software." This is the solution that BridgeNet most often recommends. The main reason we built Xonar, our network spend data analytics and planning solution, was to fill the dire need in our industry for accurate, real-time information to be accessible by logistics professionals at different levels, company-wide, day or night, the world over. Xonar is Web-based software, which means that any authorized person with Internet access can access their company's cleansed shipping data and create easy-to-read reports at any time.

Like Koplov, BridgeNet recognizes that it can be daunting to think about breaking the spreadsheet habit, but in our experience, we've found that people who make the switch to accessing real-time shipping data via a Web-based platform don't often look back. The advantages it gives them make any arguments for using spreadsheets as main tracking, monitoring, and savings tools almost laughable.

If you're ready to make kicking the spreadsheet addiction your company's New Year's resolution, watch our Xonar video for more information on how BridgeNet might be able to help your organization in 2012. Then, e-mail your inquiries to We want to hear from you!

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