Has your distribution system become complacent? Do you suspect that some of your competitors are taking more steps to lower more costs, recover more funds, and improve their shipping practices? Have you begun to assume that because carriers are so adept at making up for their losses, you can't really expect to get rates that are much better than the rates you've got now?
If you're relying on your carrier too much and too little at the same time; that is, relying on your carrier to grant you concessions based largely on their assessments of your overall spend, but not relying on them to work regularly with you to cut costs and create mutual wins, it's time to make some changes.
One advantage we have at BridgeNet is that we have been exposed to a multitude of different companies and situations, and are therefore often able to see the forest for the trees more clearly than those working internally in their companies and businesses every day. We also have a database that contains the shipping characteristics of thousands of other companies. You may know your own logistics network better than anyone else, but we know what your direct competitors are doing, and can help you realize a significant difference when it comes to your annual transportation spend and savings.
E-mail sales@bridgenetsolutions.com if you are interested in receiving a no-obligation Logistics Expense Analysis. There is still time to save in 2011.
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