When are you notified about carrier noncompliance? Are you able to say with confidence that you are identifying all of your overcharges? Do you know things like when duplicate bills are sent to multiple locations or when carrier-caused accessorial charges occur?
Whenever and wherever noncompliance with your company's shipping guidelines or routing guide occurs or carrier-caused charges occur, you should know about it so that you can take corrective action and save your company money. One easy way to make sure you know about noncompliance when it occurs is to receiving e-mail alerts.
E-mail alerts are no longer just commonplace; they're a must. At BridgeNet, we figured out years ago as we were developing Xonar, our propriety online visibility dashboard, that while supply chain executives and managers do need a system they can log into in order to achieve full supply chain visibility, they also need an easy way to receive pieces of information that will help them manage their supply chains moment by moment, as noncompliance occurs. Xonar's e-mail alerts, which we simply call "e-lerts," can reach you via e-mail no matter where you are in the world, day or night.
If you're not receiving e-lerts, e-mail sales@bridgenetsolutions.com and ask for a no-obligation Xonar demonstration. We'll be happy to show you how everything works.
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